
Hooks are at the heart of Unseal. In short, a hook is an access point to a model. It is defined by the point of the model at which it attaches and by the operation that it executes (usually either during the forward or backward pass).

To read more about the original concept of a hook in PyTorch read here.

In Unseal, a hook is an object consisting of a layer_name (the point at which it attaches), a func (the function it executes), and a key (an identifying string unique to the hook)

In order to simplify the hooking interface, Unseal wraps every model in the hooks.HookedModel class.


You can access the top-level structure of a so-wrapped model by printing it (i.e. its __repr__ property):

import torch.nn as nn
from unseal.hooks import HookedModel

model = nn.Sequential(
model = HookedModel(model)


# equivalent:
# print(model.model)

''' Output:
    (0): Linear(in_features=8, out_features=64, bias=True)
    (1): ReLU()
    (2): Sequential(
        (0): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=256, bias=True)
        (1): ReLU()
        (2): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=1, bias=True)

A HookedModel also has special references to every layer which you can access via the layers attribute:

OrderedDict([('0', Linear(in_features=8, out_features=64, bias=True)), ('1', ReLU()), ('2', Sequential(
    (0): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=256, bias=True)
    (1): ReLU()
    (2): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=1, bias=True)
)), ('2->0', Linear(in_features=64, out_features=256, bias=True)), ('2->1', ReLU()), ('2->2', Linear(in_features=256, out_features=1, bias=True))])

You can see that each layer has its own identifying string (e.g. '2->2'). If you want to only display the layer names you can simply call model.layers.keys().

Hooked forward passes

The most important feature of a HookedModel object is its modified forward method which allows a user to temporarily add a hook to the model, perform a forward pass and record the result in the context attribute of the HookedModel.

For this, the forward method takes an additional hooks argument which is a list of Hooks which get registered. After the forward pass, the hooks are removed again (to ensure consistent behavior). Hooks have access to the save_ctx attribute of the HookedModel, so anything you want to access later goes there and can be recalled via model.save_ctx[your_hook_key]. Beware that the context attribute does not get reset automatically, so running a lot of different hooks can fill up your memory.

Writing your own hooks

As mentioned above, hooks are triples (layer_name, func, key). After choosing the attachment point (the layer_name, an element from model.layers.keys()), you need to implement the hooking function.

Every hooking function needs to follow the signature save_ctx, input, output -> output.

save_ctx is a dictionary which is initialized empty by the HookedModule class during the forward pass. input and output are the input and output of the module respectively. If the hook is not modifying the output, the function does not need to return anything, as that is the default behavior.

For example, let’s implement a hook which saves the input and output of the first linear layer in the network we defined above:

import torch
from unseal import Hook

# define the hooking function
def save_input_output(save_ctx, input, output):
    # make sure to not clutter the gpu and not keep track of gradients.
    save_ctx['input'] = input.detach().cpu()
    save_ctx['output'] = output.detach().cpu()

# create Hook object
my_hook = Hook('0', func, 'save_input_output_0')

# create random input tensor
input_tensor = torch.rand((1,8))

# forward pass with our new hook
model.forward(input_tensor, hooks=[my_hook])

# now we can access the model's context object

tensor([[0.5778, 0.0257, 0.4552, 0.4787, 0.9211, 0.0284, 0.8347, 0.9621]])
tensor([[-0.6566,  1.0794,  0.1455, -0.0396,  0.0411,  0.2184, -0.3484, -0.1095,
        -0.2990, -0.1757,  0.1078,  0.2126,  0.4414,  0.1682, -0.2449,  0.0090,
        -0.0726, -0.0325, -0.5832,  0.1020, -0.2699,  0.0223, -0.8340, -0.4016,
        -0.2808, -0.5337,  0.1518,  1.1230,  1.1380, -0.1437,  0.2738,  0.4592,
        -0.7136, -0.3247,  0.2068, -0.5012,  0.4446, -0.4551,  0.2015, -0.3641,
        -0.1598, -0.7272,  0.0271,  0.2181, -0.3253,  0.2763, -0.5745,  0.4344,
        0.0255, -0.2492,  0.1586,  0.2404, -0.2033, -0.6197, -0.1098,  0.3736,
        0.1246, -0.4697, -0.7690,  0.0981, -0.0255,  0.2133,  0.3061,  0.1846]])

To make things easier for you, Unseal comes with a few pre-implemented hooking functions, which we will explain in the next section.